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What is Occupancy Detection?

Tarsyer’s Occupancy Detection system uses AI-powered video analytics to monitor and track the number of people or objects within a defined space. It provides real-time insights into occupancy levels, ensuring safety compliance, optimizing space usage, and enhancing operational efficiency across industries like retail, offices, and warehouses.

Features of Occupancy Detection

  • Real-Time Occupancy Monitoring: Continuously tracks the number of people or objects in a designated area, providing live data on occupancy levels.
  • AI-Powered Precision: Uses AI algorithms to accurately detect and count occupants, even in crowded or dynamic environments.
  • Customizable Zones: Define specific areas for occupancy monitoring, allowing for flexible and focused analysis.
  • Occupancy Alerts: Receive notifications when occupancy exceeds pre-set limits, ensuring adherence to safety protocols and capacity regulations.

Why to use Occupancy Detection?

Ensure Safety Compliance

Monitor real-time occupancy levels to ensure adherence to safety regulations and avoid overcrowding.

Optimize Space Utilization

Gain insights into space usage, helping to maximize efficiency and better manage high-traffic areas.

Real-Time Decision Making

Leverage live occupancy data to make immediate adjustments, whether for staffing, crowd control, or space management.

Versatile Applications

The system can be applied across various industries, from retail stores to warehouses, improving both safety and operational efficiency.