
Our Products

Tarsyer Store Manager

Automatically Monitor Your Retail Outlets with AI-Powered Solutions.

Automatically track footfall, queues, occupancy, crowds, and demographics with AI. Gain insights into your store to monitor customer satisfaction and plan improvements.

Tarsyer Production Monitoring

Track Production on High-Speed Conveyor Lines with AI

Accurately monitor production on high-speed conveyor lines with ease. Eliminate the need for extra manpower and get a clear view of daily or shift-based production output.

Tarsyer Warehouse Manager

Real-Time Tracking of Goods and Vehicles in Your Warehouse

Monitor the movement of goods and vehicles in and out of the warehouse in real time, without the need for additional supervision.

Tarsyer Safety Manager

Enhance Workplace Safety with 24/7 AI Monitoring

Ensure a safe and secure workplace by monitoring personnel, machines, and equipment around the clock. Detect safety violations instantly to prevent accidents. Quickly identify smoke, leaks, and spills to avoid any untoward incidents.


Effortlessly Record and Store Videos with AI Video Management

Record videos from your existing cameras and securely transfer them to the cloud or stream them anytime, anywhere. Enjoy seamless integration and flexibility with our advanced AI video management solution.


Fast and Secure Remote Access Without Complex VPNs

Connect securely to your devices and networks from anywhere without the hassle of VPN setups. Our solution offers easy remote access, ensuring fast and secure connectivity for your IoT and remote management needs.

Enhance Road Safety with Our Advanced Driver Monitoring System

Our driver monitoring system is designed to boost road safety and encourage responsible driving. It tracks driver performance in real-time, offering valuable insights and immediate alerts to ensure a safe journey. By detecting fatigue, distraction, and risky behaviors, our system helps prevent accidents and saves lives on the road.