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What is Intrusion Detection?

Tarsyer’s Intrusion Detection system is an advanced security solution designed to identify and respond to unauthorized access or breaches in real-time. Using AI-powered video analytics, the system continuously monitors designated areas and detects any suspicious movements or entry, ensuring immediate alerts and responses to potential threats.

Features of Intrusion Detection

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Constant surveillance of restricted or sensitive areas with real-time detection of unauthorized access or movements.
  • AI-Powered Detection: Utilizes AI to accurately identify potential intruders and differentiate between normal activities and security breaches.
  • Instant Alerts: Sends immediate notifications to security personnel upon detecting an intrusion, allowing for quick responses.
  • Customizable Zones: Define specific zones for monitoring, ensuring focus on critical areas and reducing false alarms.

Why to use Intrusion Detection?

Enhance Security

Detect and respond to unauthorized access in real-time, preventing potential threats before they escalate.

Minimize False Alarms

AI-powered algorithms reduce false positives by distinguishing between normal activities and actual intrusions.

Quick Response

Immediate alerts ensure that security personnel can take swift action in case of a breach, minimizing potential risks.

Comprehensive Monitoring

Monitor multiple zones simultaneously, ensuring all critical areas are protected and secure.