Our Safety solutions

AI-Powered PPE Detection

Tarsyer’s AI-powered PPE detection system ensures workplace safety by automatically identifying and verifying personal protective equipment (PPE) compliance. Our advanced video analytics technology provides real-time alerts and detailed reports on PPE usage, helping to maintain safety standards and reduce risk in hazardous environments.

Vehicle Detection

Tarsyer’s AI-powered vehicle detection system offers precise and real-time monitoring of vehicle activity. Our advanced video analytics technology accurately identifies and tracks vehicles, providing valuable data for traffic management, parking optimization, and security applications.

Forklift Movements

Tarsyer’s AI-driven forklift movement monitoring system provides real-time visibility into forklift activity within your facility. Our advanced video analytics technology tracks and analyzes forklift movements, optimizing warehouse operations, improving safety, and enhancing inventory management.

Driver Distraction Detection

Tarsyer’s AI-powered driver distraction detection system monitors and analyzes operator behavior in factory environments. By leveraging advanced video analytics, our solution identifies signs of driver distraction and alerts management, helping to improve workplace safety and prevent accidents caused by inattentive driving.

SOP/process violation

Tarsyer’s AI-based SOP violation detection system provides real-time monitoring to ensure adherence to standard operating procedures. Our advanced video analytics technology identifies deviations and alerts management to potential violations, helping to maintain operational standards and improve process compliance.

Fall Detection

Tarsyer’s AI-driven fall detection system provides critical safety monitoring by detecting and alerting on falls in real-time. Utilizing advanced video analytics, our solution ensures quick response to accidents, minimizing injury risks and improving overall safety in industrial and workplace environments.

Why to use

Tarsyer Safety Manager?

Real-Time Monitoring
AI-Powered Detection
Incident Reporting
Proactive Risk Management
Customizable Alerts
Scalable Solutions
Improved Safety Culture
Ensure SOP compliance