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What is PPE Detection?

Tarsyer’s PPE Detection system ensures that all personnel in the workplace are properly equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) as per safety regulations. Using AI-powered video analytics, it automatically monitors employees to verify compliance with PPE requirements, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring workplace safety.

Features of PPE Detection

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously checks if workers are wearing required PPE such as helmets, gloves, and safety jackets.
  • AI-Powered Detection: Accurately identifies missing or improperly worn PPE, ensuring safety compliance.
  • Instant Alerts: Sends immediate notifications to supervisors or safety officers when PPE violations are detected.
  • Customizable PPE Checks: Tailor the system to monitor specific PPE items based on industry or workplace requirements.

Why to use PPE Detection?

Ensure Workplace Safety

Automatically monitor and enforce PPE compliance, minimizing the risk of workplace injuries.

Improve Safety Compliance

Ensure that your workplace adheres to safety regulations and standards by identifying non-compliance in real time.

Quick Response to Violations

Receive instant alerts for PPE violations, allowing for swift corrective actions.

Enhance Safety Culture

Foster a strong safety culture by ensuring that all personnel are consistently equipped with the proper protective gear.